Review: Pandeymonium by Piyush Pandey


I did not know before reading this book that Piyush Pandey’s family is so accomplished in various creative fields! His sister Ila Arun, his brother Prasoon Pandey and many other siblings with each having his/her strength.

I picked up this book hoping to get a more nuanced, yet detailed, look into the mindset of an advertiser. I had absolutely no interest in reading about the personal life of Piyush. But I guess the dogma of formats is such that you ought to put in what nobody is really interested in. This book has been quite a disappointment. I was hoping Piyush will write about some methods to reign in the madness that is advertising. But there is none to be had in this book. He only writes about how feeling with the heart is the best way to write lines and be a copywriter.

The book is not all waste though. He does give many examples where different brands were bold enough to not have traditional settings for their products in the ads and yet the campaigns were successful. He talks of countless powerful ads he has worked on, not just for private firms but also for the government at various levels.

He is a brilliant ad maker. Wish he has sprinkled some of it within the pages.

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